de Manet a McLaren


El Brooklyn Museum se pone chupa de cuero con la exposición Who Shot Rock & Roll: A Photographic History, 1955 to the Present. La foto de la derecha pertenece a la muestra que ya es un libro. La fotografía la sacó el artista británico Andy Earl en 1978 a los Bow Wow Wow, una banda manejada por Malcolm McLaren. Tras este click se encuentran  un artista que al año siguiente representaría a UK en la Biennale de Venecia, el creador de los  Sex Pistols y su entonces novia y responsable de la estética punk Vivienne Westwood

Together they settled on a re-envisioning of the nineteenth-century French artist Edouard Manet’s famous painting Le déjeuner sur l’herbe (The Luncheon on the Grass) of 1863. The male musicians were delicately arranged, and the naked teenaged lead singer, Annabella Lwin, carefully positioned. To McLaren’s delight, the picture immediately became controversial: the underage rock star did not have her mother’s permission to pose naked.

3 pensamientos en “de Manet a McLaren

  1. Beautifully illustrated catlgoaue of an outstanding exhibition on display at the superb Toledo Museum of Art (the only American venue), and to be exhibited in the Royal Academy in London. Includes a collection of excellent essays, full-page color illustrations, and a fine catlgoaue of all the work. The paintings, photographs, and pastels are drawn from a wide range of collections, so the catlgoaue and exhibition provide a close look at works that, normally, are very widely dispersed. The exhibition and catlgoaue join a select handful of very significant efforts devoted in the last half century to Manet and the birth of modernism!

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